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It can be cumbersome when dealing with suppliers and production plants. This is the reason why we came up with MID ORDERING, an online ordering system.


Simple layout, standardized order format and a database with a wide selection of materials are all features in MID ORDERING that aim to make ordering as friendly as possible. “Company Setting” allows merchants to create their unique style based on their sales experience and customers’ preference. “Customer Management” and “Order Management” can be used to build up customer database and check order statuses. The system is deliberately designed with all the functions that our retail partners deem necessary.


MID ORDERING was officially launched in June 2020. Clear user manual and series of videos were also available for merchants to familiarize with the system more easily. Moreover, we are now developing premium functions to enhance merchant’s management experience. These functions include “branch management”,  “employee management” etc., and will be added to the system after testing and final adjustment. 

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